Wednesday, June 30, 2021

VOTC Therapy Newsletter Summer 2021


VOTC Newsletter - Summer 2021

National Commission for Allied and Healthcare Professions Rules, 2021: Q&A for Occupational Therapists in India

Dr. Karthik Mani, OTD, OTR/L

For the occupational therapy (OT) community in India, March 24, 2021, became a memorable day as it marked the passage of the much awaited National Commission for Allied and Healthcare Professions Act, 2021 (PRS India, 2021). The act regulates multiple allied and healthcare professions including OT. As a follow up to the passage of this act, on May 27, 2021, the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare published the rules related to the act titled National Commission for Allied and Healthcare Professions Rules, 2021 (MOHFW, 2021). 

The rules highlighted the qualifications of part-time members of the commission and president/members of the professional council; salary details of chairperson, vice-chairperson, and secretary of the commission; specifications related to business meetings; travel allowances for part-time members; application procedures and fee; details of interim commission; and application details for the establishment of new allied and healthcare institution. This article analyzes the rules and highlights the salient points for OT practitioners in India in a Q&A format. 

COVID-19 Resources

IOTTT Published Telerehabilitation Guidelines for Occupational Therapists in India

Indian Occupational Therapists Think Tank published Telerehabilitation guidelines to assist occupational therapists in India to deliver OT services via telecommunication technologies. IOTTT believes that these guidelines would be immensely helpful as practitioners resorted to telerehabilitation to ensure continued service delivery during COVID-19 restrictions/lockdowns
The guidelines are available free of cost here

Centers for Disease Control & Prevention
John Hopkins Coronovirus Dashboard
Ministry of Health & Family Welfare
Health & Family Welfare Department, Tamil Nadu


Disability News

Goa: Survey on to gather info on persons with disabilities
Vaccination camps held for PwDs in rural Trichy
E-content for children with special needs must be diverse and flexible
Rajasthan first to appoint people with disabilities in 73 urban bodies
In the clamour for beds and vaccines, the voices of the differently abled are drowned out
Evidence Corner
(Links to Research that Support OT Practice/Profession)
Evidence Based Practice
Creative Commons License
Articles published on by Karthik Mani is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.