This article discusses the clinical manifestation of a 21-year old adult in India who was diagnosed with autism to identify the symptoms that persists into adulthood and review the outcome. Severe abnormalities in the area of social interaction, fewer interests, stereotyped behaviours, and the need for constant supervision in activities of daily living characterize adulthood of severe cases of autism with delayed language acquisition and poor cognitive abilities. This article lends information to the conversation of ‘How can occupational therapists help adults with ASD’?
Friday, May 31, 2019
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Occupational Therapy Workforce in India
What's the average salary range of full-time OT practitioners in India? Does gender, job title, level of OT education, practice area, years of experience, and geographical region influence compensation received by OT practitioners in India?;year=2019;volume=51;issue=2;spage=45;epage=51;aulast=Mani
Friday, May 10, 2019
VOTC Newsletter - Issue 118
Friday, May 3, 2019
VOTC Evidence Bytes: Health conducive self-care practices - Rural population differ from urban population in Northern India
Rural population differ from urban population with regards to health conducive self-care practices and elderly/child care. Both rural and urban population (nearly 3/4th) favor consulting quacks, faith healers, and indigenous practitioners. As self-care behaviors and caring for family members fall under the occupational therapy (OT) domain of practice, from the OT standpoint, how are we (OT practitioners in India) going to address these issues?