Sunday, December 10, 2017

VOTC Newsletter - Issue 101

This issue explores the scientific literature on awareness promotion strategies employed by occupational therapists to promote OT to identify effective and proven strategies. The Facts section lists the health care legislations enacted in Kerala. The Autism Corner section lists the names of some genetic tests conducted in children with autism. 

Thursday, November 9, 2017

VOTC Therapy Newsletter - Centennial Issue

We are excited and proud to publish the centennial issue of the VOTC Therapy Newsletter.  We extend our sincere gratitude to you for your continued support and interest.  We would not be here without you!

This issue examines the status of occupational therapy private practice in Tamil Nadu through a survey research.  The Autism Corner section reports the findings of a longitudinal study that investigated the long term outcomes of children with ASD in India.  The Facts section highlights the findings in the literature related to health professional emigration and its impact on source country. 

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

VOTC Therapy Newsletter - Issue 99

The current issue explores the literature to present some notable causative theories on autism. The Facts section lists the health care legislations enacted in Gujarat. The Autism Corner identifies some effective coping strategies for parents of children with autism spectrum disorders. 

Monday, October 2, 2017

Autism Arinthukolvom - 1

VOTC enters 12th year of service

Today, Vijaya Occupational Therapy Centre enters its 12th year of service. We extend our sincere gratitude to all stakeholders and well wishers.

Thank you,

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

VOTC Newsletter - Issue 98

This issue of VOTC TherapyNewsletter highlights the need for learning of technology to practice modern occupational therapy. The Autism Corner section presents a few salient points on Ideation in children with Autism Spectrum Disorders.  The Facts section lists the healthcare legislations enacted in Delhi.  

Sunday, September 3, 2017

Occupational Therapy Terms in Tamil - eBook

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One of the barriers that influences the growth of OT in India is language.  India’s linguistic diversity creates a challenge for occupational therapists (OTs) during therapist-patient encounters and OT students when they attempt to decode complex OT principles and theories.  This book presents the Tamil version of 500 OT terms/phrases used by OTs in their education and practice.   A brief description was added in parenthesis wherever necessary to help readers understand the translated version in the context of OT.  Occupational therapists in India cannot promote awareness about their profession among the general public unless they talk OT in listener’s language.   This book is a step forward in that direction.  This book is intended for all Tamil speaking OTs, OT students, and the general public.

To obtain a FREE copy of the eBook via email, please subscribe here.

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

VOTC Newsletter Issue 97

This issue of the VOTC Therapy Newsletter highlights three critical factors that the Indian occupational therapy community needs to focus on to develop their profession in India.  The Autism Corner section presents some evidence on the efficacy of TEACCH in Autism.  The facts section offers some key information about the Inclusiveness and Accessibility Index, developed by the Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities, Government of India in association with the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry. 

Saturday, July 8, 2017

VOTC Therapy Newsletter - Issue 96

This issue explores the healthcare referral mechanisms in India and offers some insights on how to gain more referrals for occupational therapy services. The Facts section lists the devices used by the differently abled that incur 5% Goods and Services Tax. The Autism Corner section highlights the findings of a preliminary observational study that examined the iPad use among children and young adults with ASD.

Tamil version of commonly used terms in occupational therapy - Part 89

Sunday, June 11, 2017

VOTC Therapy Newsletter - Issue 95

This issue reflects on how conducive Indian urban environments are for individuals with high functioning autism. The Facts section presents some updates on the coverage of autism services under chief minister's comprehensive health insurance plan in Tamil Nadu. The Autism Corner section lists a qualitative study's findings on lived experiences of parents of children with ASD in India. 

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

VOTC Therapy Newsletter Issue 94

The current issue of our newsletter reflects on complex hand functions required to perform basic activities of daily living in the Indian context.  The Autism Corner section presents some salient information about a social skill intervention used with children with ASD.  The Facts section highlights the key findings of National Mental Health Survey India 2015-16. 

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

VOTC Therapy Newsletter - Issue 93

As April is observed as the Autism month, this issue is dedicated to individuals on the Autism Spectrum and their families.  This issue analyzes how cultural perceptions influence the diagnosis and treatment of Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) in India.  The Autism Corner section lists the key findings of the study on driving hazard perception in autism.  The Facts section offers some factual information about World Autism Awareness Day.  Happy reading!
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